Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Learn how to keep your hair safely in rain

Often leads to difficulties related to hair from getting wet. Often hair loss this season, such as the Dandrf and lifeless hair problems are common. During monsoon curly hair resembling some people seem to some people's hair loss. Be Russian hair, hair thinning diseases such as the rain is frequent. Learn some tips that will protect your hair from the rain: -

Balanced diet, protein, fruits and vegetables are rich and give the hair a spa treatment. Monsoon is beneficial for the treatment of hair. The longer hair wet and fungal infection or bacterial infection should be placed to avoid Keep your scalp dry up. Drink plenty of water and keeping the hair short. Adopted wide-tooth comb to create a flexible hair. It will not damage hair. To prevent hair from breaking use special shampoo and conditioner. Masks and spa treatments will strengthen your hair from the roots and increasing their length. Dandrf to get rid of the problem of anti - Dandrf shampoo will work.

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